Friday 30 October 2015

About KAIZEN enablers' ACADEMY

Philosophy alignment | People development  | Process improvement 

In the last 20 years of experience across industries, we have realized that enabling change through Best Business Practices fails due to one or more of the following reasons
  • Poor Leadership Involvement
  • Relying on Champion alone
  • Thinking Kaizen as a Tool
  • Not Educating Employees 
  • Not Engaging Employees
  • Lack of Customer Focus
  • Lack of Understanding 
  • Conflicting Metrics
  • Copying Others
  • No Strategy
Our endeavor is to "enable a kaizen culture" through addressing the above reasons with our Unique methodology

1 comment:

  1. Seems good to see your blog dear, well isn't it better to learn Online kaizen training , what your mind says about this ?


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